People don’t move until the pain of where they are is greater than the fear of where they’re going. And, it usually means they’ve had all the pain they can stand. Think of it as standing on the ledge of a burning building. To remains means certain death, but to leap means an uncertain future. Not always easy alternatives to face. EMBRACE CHANGE Most of us play it safe. We stick to what we know and are comfortable with. It can be scary to leave our comfort zones and embrace change. But it's worth it! Taking risks can lead to personal growth, new opportunities, and a more fulfilling life. We open ourselves up to new experiences and possibilities. We may discover hidden talents or passions, and we can learn and grow in ways we never imagined. TAKE THE QUIZ If we want to truly live, we must be willing to take risks. It means squarely facing “the devil you know” and choosing to walk away for the sake of your unwritten story and unfulfilled dreams. That may mean leaving our comfort zones and embracing the unknown. It can be scary, but it's worth it. Only by taking risks can we grow and achieve our dreams. Here's the link for our free quiz to help you find your next steps. NEXT STEPS So next time you're feeling scared, remember that it's normal - and it's worth it. Jump into the unknown and see what amazing things await you. Subscribe in the sidebar for latest posts on these upcoming topics! -The Power of Taking Risks: How to Create the Life You Want by Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone -Why You Should Embrace Change and Take Risks: The Benefits of Stepping Into the Unknown -How Taking Risks Can lead to a More Fulfilling Life -Tips for Taking Smart Risks: How to Make the Leap Into the Unknown -The Fear of Change: Why We Resist and What to Do About It -Making the Leap: How to Overcome Your Fear of Change and Take risks -How to Know if You're Ready for a Major Life CHANGE TAKE THAT LEAP OF FAITH. You’re worth it! --Kim
Today’s writing prompt: practice feeling at ease in your body. Keep that feeling with you all day long. For me, that means making peace with my body - my past expectations and future fears. It means loving my body every day, as-is, in each moment. Appreciating all it has done, is doing, and can do to keep me safe and secure. It means being grateful for the way it wraps itself around my soul and carries us through this world of experiences and enlightenment. Being at ease in my body means loving it for what it has taught me and what is yet to be revealed. Knowing that my body has my back even when I may have thought it was the enemy. It means trusting that the God who created me is the One who will receive me in the end - from perfection to perfection with a LOT of learning in between. Life is meant to be lived expansively. To be deeply felt and fully savored. This body is the vehicle given for the journey. Stop wishing for something other than the one and only unique precious body you were given. It is enough. Amen. |